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membru din 18 February 2013

STANDARD ICJ publicatie internationala

NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 9 (2): on-first ©NwjZ, Oradea, Romania, 2013
Article No.: 132702 biozoojournals.3x.ro/nwjz/index.html
The first full morphological description
of the Cluj Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Miklos BOTHA1, Ioan Valentin PETRESCU-MAG1,2,* and Andrea HETTIG1
1. Bioflux SRL, 54 Ceahlău street, Cluj-Napoca, 400488, Romania.
2. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca,
3-5 Calea Mănăştur street, Cluj-Napoca 400372, Romania.
*Corresponding author, I.V. Petrescu-Mag, E-mail: zoobiomag2004@yahoo.com
Received: 15. February 2013 / Accepted: 02. April 2013 / Available online: 02. June 2013 / Printed: December 2013
Abstract. A new rabbit breed is forming in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), besides the Giant of Transylvania. The
new breed is named Cluj Rabbit (RC), derived from a spontaneous mutation from the New Zealand White
(NZW). The phenotype of the new breed seems a slightly finer NZW (with finer bone structure and
extremities) caring a chinchilla color gene (ch). It is a medium-sized rabbit, with weight varying from 3.5 kg
to 5.5 kg.
Key words: rabbit, new breed, spontaneous mutation, chinchilla color gene.
A spontaneous mutation occurred in a New Zealand
White (NZW; show type) rabbit nest in a private
rabbitry in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in 2005,
resulting in a colored individual (carrying a chinchilla
gene) from two albino genitors (NZW). As
the albinism occurred only in homozygous state,
there is no doubt about the parent’s purity. The
colored male has been mated with several Chinchilla
(ch) and NZW females in order to obtain a
wide range of different lines. Further, it was resorted
to a well-planned and controlled cross between
the lines, resulting in a unique population,
with distinctive appearance and genetic background
(Fig. 1). The resulted infraspecific taxon,
which is under genetic consolidation and homologation
process, was named Rabbit of Cluj (RC) after
the region where the breed was formed. This is
the second Romanian native breed (Botha et al.
2011), besides the Giant of Transylvania (Petrescu-
Mag et al. 2009, 2011, 2012). The following description
of the developing breed (RC) will also serve
as standard description for evaluating animals in
rabbit exhibitions.
Type and body shape. A large body (40-50cm), yet
not typically large. The body is barrel shaped and
flat backed, but well muscled and rounded. The
legs are slightly fine and have a medium length. A
small well-formed dewlap is permissible in does.
Weight. See Table 2 for index for weight evaluation.
Fur. The fur is of medium length (3 cm), dense in
undercoat with well-developed, but not too harsh
or coarse, guard hairs.
Figure 1. Rabbit of Cluj (original).
Table 1. Distribution of maximum points
according to European standard.
Type and shape of the body 20
Body weight (kg) 10
Fur 20
Head and ears 15
Top color and shading 15
Under and intermediate color 15
Care and health 5
Table 2. Index for the weight evaluation.
Kg 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00-5.50 Maximum
Score 7 8 9 10
Head and ears. The head is well developed with a
distinctive, broad forehead and full cheeks. Head
shape shows sexual dimorphism: bucks have a
stronger and wider head, contrarily to does,
whose head is significantly finer. The ears are of
Citation as online-first article: North-Western Journal of Zoology 9: art.132702
M. Botha et al.
medium strong structure and usually do not exceed
11.5 cm in length. They are also finer in does
than in bucks.
Top color and shading. The top color appears very
shiny, light ash-grey with bluish toning and a
flaky black shading, which is emphasized by black
hair stuffs which are close together. The black
shading is more noticeable on the back. The top
color should reach quite far down the sides if possible
and the chest and legs should be in accordance
with the overall color. The ear edges are
seamed in black. The neck part is small, greywhite.
The tail is black and dotted with grey-white
hairs, the underside however to be as white as the
belly color. The eyes are brown, nails are dark.
Under and intermediate color. The undercolor on
the whole body is dark blue. A white to whitish
grey intermediate band is about 8 mm, which
causes a sharp demarcation between the top and
Condition. Only animals in a faultless condition
and health can engage in competitions. Clean legs,
ears, and sexual organs, well manicured nails,
shiny, well-carried fur, and liveliness mark a highquality
animal. Identification is essential for a
complete evaluation. A uniform tattoo is being
prepared. During the transmission, one should refer
to the valid requirements of individual countries.
The possibility of identification is important.
Minor faults: slight hutch soiling; slightly dirty
ears and sexual organs; long nails; slightly weeping
Major faults: non-legible identification; heavy
hutch soiling; insects; blindness or blind in one
eye; absence of recognition marking.
Final Remarks. Human preferences for meat consumption
evolved from high quantity to high
quality in the last decades. A special attention is
given to game, rustic breeds, organic farming,
small animals as delicacies, native species, local
breeds, low fat content, and medium-sized animals
(Dalle Zotte 2002, Resurreccion 2003, Reka et
al. 2005, Covaciu-Marcov et al. 2009, Daszkiewicz
et al. 2012, García-Abad et al. 2012). This second
Romanian breed is one step towards customers
needs. Apart from meat consumption, the Cluj
rabbit is a wonderful pet for “children” of all ages.
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World Rabbit Science 20(1): 13-23.
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Citation as online-first article: North-Western Journal of Zoology 9: art.132702

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